Shepard Ambellas Show: 431 | Governments are hiding severe weather events! Martial law in the USA?

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In Episode 431 of the Shepard Ambellas Show, Shep unveils shocking truths about how governments worldwide are concealing the rapid onset of severe weather events linked to the arrival of the Planet X Nemesis System. Could the United States be on the brink of martial law? Discover the alarming reality as 'poop soup' and Dengue Fever threaten flooded regions of the country. Join Shep as he investigates whether the military might use Dengue Fever as a pretext for martial law. Don’t miss this eye-opening episode!

Planet in peril: Biblical-level flooding, martial law, and celestial threats – Are we facing doomsday?

‘Poop soup’ and dengue fever threaten American lives amid devastating floods; martial law next?

The Shepard Ambellas Show is an electrifying and fast-paced program that features a blend of news and comedy. It has been ranked as high as #66 on US podcast charts (currently ranked #135), making it one of the most popular shows. You can catch the live broadcast daily at 7 pm Eastern/6 pm Central on the Shepard Ambellas YouTube channel, where Shep and other listeners are waiting to engage with you. If you miss the live show, don't worry - you can always catch up on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. So what are you waiting for? Tune in now and experience the excitement for yourself!

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