The Hatred for Russia Destroying Everything - Israel Will be Defeated Majorly

7 months ago

The Hatred for Russia Destroying Everything - Israel Will be Defeated Majorly | Col. Larry Wilkerson
How many military bases in foreign lands does Iran have? How many does Lebanon have? Syria? Portugal, Brazil or Mexico? Why does the USA need hundreds of foreign military bases all over the world? Other nations don't have them and they survive. Most nations on earth don't have external military bases. Why are we squandering trillions of dollars acting as a world police enforcing "the rules based (US) order"? What would happen if these bases were closed down and the wasted money placed against the US national debt?
What if nations were just left the hell alone? What if the military were used to deport illegals and secured the boarder? What if we had a new internal jobs program to build and repair our own infrastructure? What if we went to a flat tax system across the board for everyone corporate or not?
What if we got back to being a Republic and ditched the "democracy" corruption system that is quickly slipping into a socialist fascist oligarchy?

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