Conventional Wisdom? | 40+ Rebuild - 01

8 months ago

The 40+ REBUILD video series is a collection of videos that each summarise an aspect of the 40+ REBUILD 12-week program. They are only an addition to the extensive Coach/Client relationship which forms the backbone of the program.

From the Chapter:
Modern conventional nutrition and health wisdom have left our populations in a state of mediocre health, at best. Most people over 40 are 'a bit' round, 'a bit' lethargic and visit the doctor a few too many times each year. We are most likely looking forward to decades of being overweight, accumulating aches and pains, and relying progressively more on clinical care and a sizable list of medications. Most of which we’d be happy to avoid.

“[Conventional wisdom] very heavily tends to reflect the preferences and the interests of the elite.”
― Paul Krugman

I don't want to bang on about 'the elite', that's a loaded term these days, but Mr. Krugman’s quote makes a great point. More in the 40+ REBUILD program...



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