Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V : Volume 4

8 months ago

Note: In the English dubbed version, all the names are different! You figure it out. Enjoy!

S01E07 New Squad Member Takko
July 16, 1977 TV Asahi
Hiyoshi made an octopus robot named Takko (Octo-1 in English version). At first the team thought the robot was useless but then it saved Voltes when they were trapped in a forest infested with grabbing ivy plants and later when Hiyoshi has no choice but to disassemble Takko and use its parts to fix the damaged Volt Lander. Thus the sixth member of the Voltes Team was welcomed.

S01E08 Intrigues in the Underground Castle
July 23, 1977 TV Asahi
Duke Zaki came from Boazan to visit Prince Heinell. He harassed Heinell of his failure so far to conquer the Earth and also of his background of being a son of the traitor named La Gour. The Duke then made a plan to kill Heinell in a fight with Voltes by forcing Heinell to pilot the beast fighter Gargo. But Zaki's plan was shattered to pieces as Kazarin eavesdropped the plan and leaked it to Prince Heinell.

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