"Les Mages offrent leurs présents à Jésus" Matthew 2:11.

8 months ago

Matthew 2:11 describes a significant moment in the Christian narrative, often referred to in the context of the Epiphany. Here’s a detailed description:

This verse is part of the story of the visit of the Magi (wise men) from the East, who followed a star to find the newborn King of the Jews. Their journey brought them to Bethlehem, where Jesus had been born.

French-Canadian Title:
"Les Mages offrent leurs présents à Jésus"

Detailed Description in French-Canadian:
"Après avoir suivi l’étoile jusqu’à Bethléem, les Mages entrent dans la maison où se trouve Jésus avec sa mère, Marie. En le voyant, ils se prosternent en signe de révérence et d’adoration. Puis, ouvrant leurs trésors, ils lui offrent des cadeaux précieux : de l’or, de l’encens et de la myrrhe. Ces présents symbolisent respectivement sa royauté, sa divinité et son humanité. Cette rencontre témoigne de la reconnaissance de Jésus comme roi non seulement par les Juifs mais aussi par les nations étrangères représentées par les Mages."

Breakdown of the Description:
Arrival of the Magi:

After their long journey guided by the star, the Magi arrive at the house where Jesus and Mary are staying.
Act of Worship:

The Magi, upon seeing Jesus, bow down and worship Him, acknowledging His significance even as a child.
Presentation of Gifts:

They present three symbolic gifts:
Gold: Symbolizing Jesus' kingship and royal status.
Frankincense: Representing His divine nature and His role as a priest.
Myrrh: Foretelling His humanity and sacrificial death, as myrrh was commonly used in embalming.
Cultural and Religious Significance:

This moment signifies the recognition of Jesus as the Messiah not just by the Jewish people, but also by Gentiles, represented by the Magi from distant lands.
English Translation of the Description:
"After following the star to Bethlehem, the Magi enter the house where Jesus is with His mother, Mary. Upon seeing Him, they bow in reverence and worship. Then, opening their treasures, they present Him with precious gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These gifts symbolize His kingship, divinity, and humanity respectively. This encounter reflects the recognition of Jesus as king not only by the Jews but also by foreign nations represented by the Magi."

This title and description capture the essence of Matthew 2:11, emphasizing the reverence and recognition given to Jesus by the Magi and the symbolic nature of their gifts.
"Les Mages offrent leurs présents à Jésus" Matthew 2:11.#secret of faith and mercy in jesus christ.
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