Joey & Jill Biden PROVEN WORST president EVER! my God Ilegals everywhere!

8 months ago

Total COMMY ran America & illegals invasions EVERY day of the Biden administration! WORST economy in over 50 years. NO boarder security. the COMMY democrats Still to this day say the boards are closed!! WHAT A DAM LIAR the COMMY democrat party & Joey has ALWAYS been. NEVER let a COMMY democrat in ANY office! I'd rather have a British in office!
Our forefathers put right in our constitution you MUST be born in America to be president BUT DO YOU KNOW WHY THAT IS??? its because of 1776 when WE THE PEOPLE got our guns to shoot & kill the British for doing LESS, WAY LESS then what Joey Biden today has done & is doing for the past 3.9 YEARS!!
WE THE PEOPLE gave the British a choose eiter DIE RIGHT HERE ON OUR SOIL or LEAVE our SOIL! well many DIED right on our soil but some British went & what we call NOW the COMMY country of England! is that what you REALLY want America to become a COMMY country like England??????????!!! HELL NO!!!!

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