Enoch Burke is temporarily released from prison on a cat & mouse basis 28-06-24

8 months ago

Enoch Burke is ONLY released on a temporararily basis. A bad decision. The substantial issue of Enoch Burkes constitutional rights have NOT been dealt with. The judge is avoiding the issue. No teacher should lose his job on the basis of his religion. That is blatent religious discrimination. He is being punished for not complying with the lie and evil of transgenderism. They are playing cat and mouse with him just as they used to do with the suffragettes 113 years ago - imprisoning them, releasing them and then putting them to jail again. Its a form of intimidation which is a message to everyone else. If you challenge the new orthordoxy and fake religion of wokeness these are the consequences. Simon Harris and his cohorts cannot answer any truthful questions that the Burke family have put. Once Enoch returns to the school gate to protest he will be back in Mountjoy for breaching the court order and we are back around the mulberry bush again.

Oliver Cromwell committed shocking massacres in Drogheda and Wexford that shocked people in Europe at the time-3,000 women and children in Drogheda alone. He found 3 friars later in Drogeda and hanged them in cold blood - all on the name of God. In his reports to London its clear he found it difficult to justify and had regrets. However, he also said he would "always respect everyman's conscience" and, for example, would never force Catholics to attend a Protestant service (even though be could slaughter them!). So now an Irish government has lower standards than Oliver Cromwell!

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