"Military Industrial Complex Show" sung by Lila Harmon

3 months ago

Picture this: a Broadway stage, bright lights, and a cheeky musical number with a biting edge. Our cast of characters? Sleazy politicians, greedy executives, and a chorus line of oblivious bystanders. The tune is catchy, the rhythm infectious, and the lyrics—oh, the lyrics—are a scathing, laugh-out-loud roast of the military-industrial complex.

The song kicks off with our villains, high above the clouds in their plush boardroom, plotting wars with the nonchalance of choosing a lunch menu. They're scheming and dreaming of profits, with a devil-may-care attitude that's both comical and infuriating.

As the chorus chimes in, the tempo picks up, and we're treated to a raucous spectacle where money flows and false flags flutter in the breeze. The politicians are counting their cash with glee, their smiles as wide as the Grand Canyon, while the rest of us, the hapless audience, are swept along in the absurdity.

Verse after verse, the song reveals the dirty secrets of these war profiteers. They ignite conflicts just to sell the solutions, and with every bomb dropped, their wallets get fatter. It’s a riotous display of hypocrisy and greed, all set to a peppy, toe-tapping beat.

The bridge brings a change of pace, a moment of mock-serious reflection as we see the human cost of their games. Soldiers march, cannons roar, but it’s the fat cats who claim victory, their pockets heavier and consciences light as a feather.

With a final burst of energy, the outro tips its hat to the generals and politicians who orchestrate this farce. They strut and preen, oblivious to the chaos they've sown, leaving the rest of us to scratch our heads in disbelief.

The curtain falls on this satirical, toe-tapping, laugh-out-loud anthem, leaving the audience both entertained and enlightened. It’s a hilarious takedown of the military-industrial complex that hits all the right notes—sharp, witty, and uncomfortably true.

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