Jeep Cherokee (1984-1996) Voltage Gauge Fix, By Calibrating The Gauge On The Back

7 months ago

Got a cool tip for y'all with older (1984-1996) XJ's...

Inside the volatage gauge, there is a clear plastic peice that internally has a magnet attached to it, that can slide up or down on the metal body of the copper winding inside the gauge its self... This is what they use and how they calibrate the stock gauge! The deeper down you slide that peice into the metal body, the higher the voltage needle will read on the gauge (and vice-versa) and over time, years of vibration and bumps can EASILY make that peice slide up or down on its own, and throw the accuracy of the Voltage needle WAY off in either direction... It doesn't take much adjustment at all either for that needle to move!! It's very sensitive to any changes made

To fix this issue and recalibrate your orignal gsuge your self, simply remove the gauge from the cluster (just two screws on the back) and get to fine tuning it till you get it showing the perfect voltage to match what a multi-meter reads out with the engine running like I did... Then super glue that plastic calibration peice in place so it won't vibrate loose and lose it's adjustment ever again!

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