Two Wheels and a Road 2.3 - Death Valley with Orange Coast H.O.G.

8 months ago

In our third episode of season 2 join Wayne, Cowboy and Mo as they explore the roads of North America, one road at a time.

In this episode the guys join the Orange Coast Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) chapter on a great three day ride through Death Valley including some great roads like Angeles Crest (CA - 2), Tehachapi Loop, Lake Isabella/Kern River, Panamint Valley and of course Death Valley.

The guys will also go over some local history including: What engineering marvel helped trains get over Tehachapi Pass; What town boomed by providing a needed ingredient for Ammunition during World War I;
and where was the final hideout for Charles Manson and the spot where he was finally arrested?

In the end Mo will share some notes from the road.

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