Audiobook: Ride the Tiger, by Julius Evola, Pt 2, Ch 7

7 hours ago

Ride the Tiger, A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul, by Julius Evola, Part 2: In the World Where God is Dead, Chapter 7: “Being Oneself”

In Chapter 7 of "Ride the Tiger" by Julius Evola, titled "Being Oneself," the author delves into the concept of living authentically by adhering to one's own inner law and nature, free from external moral constraints. Evola draws on Nietzsche's philosophy, advocating for a morality that is internal and autonomous rather than imposed by external forces. He explores the challenges of maintaining this authenticity in the modern world, where traditional societal structures have dissolved. The chapter emphasizes the importance of self-realization and the strength required to uphold one's individual principles in a world marked by dissolution and chaos.

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