David Schmidt of LifeWave on the metaphysical and spiritual applications

19 hours ago

Meeting Purpose

Follow-up discussion with David Schmidt of LifeWave on the metaphysical and spiritual applications of LifeWave products during this time of planetary/human ascension.

Key Takeaways

- Our bodies emit light that is integral to cellular communication and healing
- Anger/fear causes oxidative stress and accelerates aging, while love/positive emotions reverse aging
- LifeWave products like X39 and Eon help regulate genes, mitochondria, and the nervous system for better energy, relaxation and DNA repair
- The products may aid spiritual practices, energy flow, and the Kundalini awakening process


Light, Consciousness and Aging

- DNA emits coherent light particles that initiate biochemical reactions
- Living in anger/fear disrupts the autonomic nervous system, increases inflammation/oxidative stress
- Living in love elevates oxytocin, reversing muscle aging - it's never too late to change
- Consciousness affects reality - we're more spiritual than physical beings

LifeWave Products for Ascension

- X39 elevates copper peptides to regulate 1/3 of genes to a youthful state for stem cell, immune, skin benefits
- Eon balances the nervous system, increases antioxidants for detoxification
- Together they improve mitochondrial function, energy levels, relaxation for spiritual practices
- May help with Kundalini awakening by releasing tension in the spine

Environmental Assaults and Protection

- 5G, EMFs, chemicals, plastics assault our cells, disrupting light and causing oxidative damage
- Copper provides electromagnetic shielding; glutathione repairs DNA breaks
- Balanced diet, hydration, sleep, and LifeWave products help the body's innate defenses

Next Steps

- Incorporate LifeWave products into spiritual practices and self-care routines
- Prioritize love, prayer, speaking truth to foster light during these challenging times
- Have grace through the ascension process as distortions surface to be cleared
- Anchor into higher frequencies through nutrition, mindset, and collective unity

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