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Health Ranger Report

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Health Ranger Report / Brighteon Broadcast News


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  • frankly I don't believe anyone will be arrested ,no onevwill govto jail. President Trump had 4 yeagrs to to lock Hillary up and that didn't happen. After he took office at a white house dinner Trump praised Bill and Hillary. this is the greatest show in earth.

  • Dont worry the government won the last election and they will win the next one too

  • This is a perfect example of how they eat their own. Buyer beware.

    1 like
  • What will people do if Trump turns out to be as dud as he was the first time round? Probably nothing.

    1 like
  • Man, I'm trying to eat.

    1 like
  • I think Roger Stone has the correct analysis.

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  • If it wasn't for Trump, we would still be in isolation, waiting for them to create a vaccine. Trump would talk about taking the vaccine, NOT THE JAB/Gene therapy!!!  Numerous times he talked about ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, light therapy, MMS (the one that smells like bleach), Therapeutics.  All of these can be considerate vaccines, because of the change of the vaccine definition. And he did GREAT things and we had PEACE for a change!!! Joe Biden, or who ever he/it is under that suit. He was/is a puppet!!! This is all Obama doing behind the scenes. They HATE America! They are Muslins and do NOT have any allegiance to the Constitution and the American People. They have been using Biden to do their dirty work and blame on him for all the destruction, in so many levels. Watch if Obama is going to try to be VP, along with Hillary for President OR his fake wife Big Mike. Imagine that!!!! When we think it could not get any worse.... May it just serve for them to be EXPOSED for the traitors that are and have ALWAYS BEEN!!!

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  • 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨https://x.com/SpartaJustice/status/1687208627696754689

  • Permission to DJ THE Apocalypse, Mike?! The Breakfast Club! - "Right On Track"! - 1985! - Official Video! (link below!) :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxSoIeq3Tj4

  • I like the fact that Trump can successfully deal with world leaders.

  • Even though Mike Lindell 's are not organic, they are superior quality by my experience.

  • IMHO, it's wishful thinking to believe most downstream elections will be affected by Joe's dementia. People tend to vote for the incumbent at the state & local levels, which is why Congress is the way it is. Remember, there was no "Red Wave."

  • Biden or Trump the ultimate difference, as far as, 'We the People,' are to be governed.... which equates to little to NO DIFFERENCE at all. Both are fully controlled by the Zionists!

  • What Would poll numbers be at the last second for hrc. They know what KH would do.