Mom Dislodges Lego Block From Nose

6 years ago

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever gotten stuck up your nose? If you’re anything like me, you can’t ever recall getting anything lodged up there (maybe the memories have been repressed). If you’re like this kid, however, you’ll have a fairly impressive answer.

You can’t help but feel for this kid. He’s obviously scared, worried and uncertain about how the next part of this episode will play out, and probably a bit uncomfortable to boot. As his dad behind the camera narrates, there’s a bead up inside his nostril. How it got there, we can all only imagine. The important thing is that mom is there to help, equipped with the know how that only mothers are born with. Right off the bat, my money is on her quickly solving this without an emergency room visit, or what the dad refers to as “Mom CPR,” even though that’s pretty off base in so far as analogies are concerned.

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