3rd Temple: Divine Abiding Place - Part 1

8 months ago

In this study (1.) "3rd Temple - Divine Abiding Place" we look at the intention of building a 3rd Temple, in the place now occupied by the Al-Aqsa Mosque, aka Dome on the Rock. What that would mean regionally, and theologically / escatelogically as it would resume animal sacrifices, in rejection of the Son / Lamb of God.
We go back through Older Testament History, of the Presence of God, manifest in many ways, often in fire, signaling HIS acceptance of a people Sanctuary, Temples and altars: we ended part 1. with how the fire from heaven was shown on Pentecost, upon the 120 disciples of the Lamb; signaling a Divine change in the building material and mobil locations of the true 3rd Temple, and place of His Presence. We will greatly expand on this in the upcoming Sabbath message, in the final, part 2 of "3rd Temple - Divine Abiding Place"
We hope and trust this will be both a challenge (to some) and a blessing to all. It is Scripture Saturated.

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