Pt 1Elisha Meet Uprising Gen-Z, Slumber Of Death, Imperialism, Discernment---Ev.King Osiemo

7 months ago

External restraints of men of experience will for a time hold in check unsanctified inclinations, but let these restraints be removed, and the sad facts appear that those who are occupying important positions of trust are not men who have made God their fear and inquired at every step, "Is this the way of the Lord?" THE LORD WANTS MEN WHO WILL FEEL THEIR NEED OF DRAWING STRENGTH FROM AN UNSEEN FORCE, WHICH IS GOD.

Israel was given just such a king as they had set their heart on. The Spirit of God came upon Saul, their chosen king, and he was a converted man. Samuel said to him, "Let it be that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee." 1 Sam. 10:7. And it is plainly stated, "When he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another heart." Verse 9. Here we see what God is ready to do for every one of His workers. Had Saul obeyed the Lord in all thing he would have been a blessing to Israel if they had hearkened unto him. But should the king throw off his allegiance to God, then woe be unto Israel! He would prove a curse instead of a blessing.
All this history is written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. I have had presented before me again and again that the people of God in these last days could not be safe by trusting in men, and making flesh
their arm. By the mighty cleaver of truth God has taken them out of the quarry of the world as rough stones, and brought them into His workshop that He might, by axe and hammer and chisel, work off their rough, unshapely edges, and fit them for a place in His building. But they must be hewed and squared by His prophets. Reproofs, warnings, admonitions, and advice must come to their hearts and make them after Christ's pattern. They must become changed in heart and in character, and must keep the way of the Lord.
I raise the warning now that there is danger. The people are to know if there is danger. They are not to be kept in darkness. Eze. 2:17-12.

The speech of the faithless steward--the slothful servant--was not merely an excuse, but it was the outspeaking of the true sentiments of his heart. He regarded the Lord just as he expressed. The selfish churl made the Lord's character just like his own. He had no simplicity of heart, no genuine religion, no experimental knowledge of the character of God, and did not believe in His free mercy and His rich gift of grace.
To know God is to trust Him fully. Oh, what sentiments men entertain of God today! Men need to be restored to God and to themselves. It is so hard for men to see their own motives and judge correctly of their own spirits, so hard for men to acknowledge frankly from the heart, like David, "I have sinned. I have had a spirit unlike Christ."

I saw the Lord Jesus looking with GRIEVED COUNTENANCE UPON MEN HANDLING SACRED THINGS, because they did not discern sacred things. He said, "Human character cannot be trusted. Unless Christ is interwoven in the
character, it is valueless. 1888 MATER

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