6 months ago

This is my favorite body and it happens to be mine. 🔥 I never thought I’d say that and actually mean it. I didn’t think it was possible to really love every inch of myself inside and out. 💕 This past year I’ve focused on getting to know how my physical self operates in relation to my emotional/spiritual self. Here’s what I’ve found to be true: There is a DIRECT correlation between how I speak about/to myself and how I feel about/view myself. ➡️ For example: If I speak poorly about my body, I’m going to feel like 💩when I look in the mirror and if I speak highly about my body, I will see myself as I am, perfect in this moment. Also, it’s interesting how the more self love I practice, the leaner I get (EVEN if all variables stay the same)... Our minds are powerful beyond measure squad. They are always listening and will always ask your body to support whatever you are speaking into existence. So next time you notice your brain going down a self destructive path, pause, take a deep breath and shift your language, even if you don’t believe it. Continue to show up for yourself one day at a time and everything will fall into alignment. Xo 😘

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