Q History - The Nixon Connection

17 days ago

107 explains the Q+ Nixon connection and how Nixon tutored Trump behind the scenes.

In addition, Juan shares a little behind the scenes Q history. Including Trump’s use of semaphore COMMS (with Melania as the flagstaff) and the origins of his choice.

Q clearances started with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower).

From what I gather, this is the lineage:

Douglas MacArthur --> John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy --> Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon --> Trump

This is one of the best shows Juan has done in recent years. Very informative.

This show with WRITESIDE BLONDE is themed around the history of George Magazine.

Original episode:

EP 107: Guest Juan O Savin on JFK Jr's George Magazine, Washington DC, the Clintons, and more!


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