Red Light Therapy Challenge 1 of 3

8 months ago

A question often arises, “Do we all have potentially cancerous cells in our bodies?”

The answer is - yes we do!

According to Cancer Research UK, we all have cells that can go rogue but the reason why that hasn’t happened…

Is because it takes a couple of things to get those “sleeping” cells to finally “wake up.”

That’s why it’s important to find out what actually causes things to go haywire in your body and take the right steps to prevent that!

When my good friend, humanitarian, and investigative researcher, Jonathan Otto, spoke to Dr. Linda Isaacs about it…

She shared with him that…
“People sometimes wonder why does cancer develop in the first place? And for one thing, I would say that everyone is making cancer cells all the time. It's a question of how well your body gets rid of them.”
So we can do certain things to help our bodies keep these cells at bay.

That’s different to what we’re always told about the nature of cancer.

The same Cancer Research UK article states that one of the three things that causes the dormant cell to “wake up”...

And become cancerous is if it divides and replicates itself…

And the NIH says it does that because of overexpression of growth factors or a lack of suppressor proteins.

Image Source: National Human Genome Research Institute

According to the National Human Genome Research Institute…

“A tumor suppressor gene encodes a protein that acts to regulate cell division, keeping it in check.

When a tumor suppressor gene is inactivated by a mutation, the protein it encodes is not produced or does not function properly, and as a result, uncontrolled cell division may occur. Such mutations may contribute to the development of a cancer.”

Mutations in the genes for tumor suppressor proteins can cause them to stop working or disappear.

These mutations can happen to you because of exposure to environmental carcinogens.

Chronic inflammation and cellular stress can also lead to DNA damage and affect the expression and function of tumor suppressor genes.

But the process includes a few more steps that can actually lead to catastrophic cancer development…

Which I believe we all have to hear about because that’s the only way we can make sure that the cells within us NEVER become cancerous.

That’s why Jonathan has put together a BRAND NEW eBook, Proactive Strategies Against Sleeping Cancer Cells…

Where you’ll learn how to use proven strategies to prevent cancer development and to combat cancer!

Download your F.REE copy right now:

>>>Click HERE to download your free copy of Proactive Strategies Against Sleeping Cancer Cells

Here's what you'll discover upon downloading your F.REE eBook:

Delve into the importance of addressing the underlying causes of cancer rather than merely managing its symptoms for more effective long-term outcomes.

Explore the concept of dormant cancer cells within the body, their potential activation pathways, and the complexities involved in their early detection.

Examine how lifestyle factors contribute to the activation of cancer cells and identify actionable strategies for mitigating this risk through lifestyle modifications.

Gain insight into holistic and proactive approaches for cancer prevention, aimed at enhancing quality of life and minimizing the anxiety associated with cancer risks.

And SO. Much. More!

And the BEST part is…

When you download this amazing eBook, you’ll also get F.REE VIP access to Jonathan’s BRAND NEW webinar on Red Light Therapy Challenge!

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