The Complete History Of The Nuremberg Trials | Zoomer Historian

7 months ago

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The Nuremberg Trials, a pivotal event in history, have long been enveloped in a haze of myth and misinformation, perpetuated by both sides of the political spectrum. In an effort to uncover the truth, this comprehensive exposé seeks to address the burning questions surrounding the trials. Were they legal and fair? What were the thoughts and emotions of the defendants during their trials? Who was the masterminds behind this monumental endeavor? Why were some individuals sentenced to death while others were spared? Delving deep into these enigmatic waters, "The Complete History Of The Nuremberg Trials" by "Zoomer Historian" promises to shed light on this seminal moment in history, offering a fresh and enlightening perspective.

Release Date: 2024

Timestamp Headline:
Intro: 0:00
How the Trials Came to Be: 2:00
A Terrible Start: 19:52
The Prisoners: 32:02
The Scene is Set: 41:32
The Curious Case of Rudolf Hess: 1:03:03
Showtime: 1:13:05
A Very Cold Winter: 1:27:35
The Lion Roars: 1:41:38
The Great Betrayal: 1:56:32
The Big Decision: 2:07:37
Judgment Day: 2:22:09
🔗 All Credit To Zoomer Historian:

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