Hand-Built Stone Chicken Coop: Ultimate DIY Project for My Permaculture Homestead

7 months ago

It took 2 months to build alone, but my hand-split stone chicken coop is just about finished and the chickens are enjoying a dry roost safe from the many predators that live in the surrounding forest - bears, wolves, coyotes, foxes, martens, fishers, raccoons, weasels and birds of prey.
I am moving on to my next homestead building projects and will return to the coop to clean the stone of mortar and grout the joints later this summer.
Upcoming projects include another firewood storage shed, a small building to store lumber from my sawmill, a workshop expansion, a walk-in cooler and processing set up for wild game and domestic livestock, a maple sugar shack, a log sauna and a bedroom addition on my log cabin. Between building projects, I'm growing 1/2 an acre of food for my family, including an orchard, and another 5+ acres for wildlife and livestock. Most of our protein comes from fish and game that I harvest from the wilderness of Ontario Canada, and we're preparing to raise livestock again, including beef, goats and pigs in addition to poultry.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/myselfreliance

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