I can't get drunk [STORY]

7 months ago


So this story happened in Washington State, when I was going to school to become a train conductor.

My three room mates, who was in the same school trying to be flight attendants, went out of their way to do their damnedest to get me drunk at a bar we frequently walked to.

Now I did partake in very small amounts, but I was always reading a book, or doing my homework, since I found no enjoyment in the location; so I spent my time doing things I needed to do instead.

I even had no problem selectively looking out for them, and guiding them back home like a dog with a few lost sheep.

After several months and multiple days of guiding their drunk asses to the apartment safely, they were getting frustrated that I was seemingly not having fun with them.

I warned them multiple times I can't get drunk, and I am only coming to make sure they make it back safely, like the mother's personality I have.

They asked me why I do not get drunk, and I could not tell them why. I told them one day, ten years ago, I downed half a bottle of rum while writing an English 101 paper, and I only went right to sick.

On top of that I still got an outstanding grade on my work.

And that's why I do not drink.

They did not believe me.

Apparently they took that as a challenge.

They went out of their way one night to try and conspire against me.

Shot after spirit I was downing them all. Most was gross and sickly sweet.

I warned them before every drink it was not going to work.

But they kept going.

When they hit three hundred, and I was talking and acting normally, and walking straight lines, they were actually getting pissed off at me, even when they were sloshed as hell.

Just to make it worse I went right to my Nintendo switch after we got back to the apartment to play stardew valley, which mind you is a very task based game.

They were in tears I broke their bank, and I told them I warned them it wouldn't work and "That's why I don't drink."

The ring leader was yelling, not happy they could not see me trashed.

But all I did was smile, and tuck them into bed, till they went to sleep that morning.

They hated me ever since.

To the point they never contacted me ever again.

No matter how many times I reached out to say hi.

Not my fault they didn't listen.

I hope they are all okay, as I often think about the many people I met along the way.

But at least I hope they are doing okay.


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