Happy Independence Day!!-Are you a Spotify user like me?

8 months ago

As we get closer to INDEPENDENCE DAY/July 4th, I want to always be thankful for my freedoms as an American. I could probably complain about a lot of things & for good reason but I’m choosing to be greatful. I wrote a song to thank fallen veterans-specifically Marines(my dad was a Vietnam War era Marine) called OH MY MY SEMPER FI as a thank you to those that paid the ultimate price. SEMPER FI(Fidelis) is Latin for ALWAYS FAITHFUL.

You can find my song everywhere digitally & you can find links at Wanus.hearnow.com for your favorite platform. I really appreciate you giving it a listen. If you like most styles of modern rock, you may like my song-at least what I’m attempting to do which is thank those that served until their dying breath. Thank you & God bless!


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