18 days ago

Atlanta, GA — In an astonishing twist that shocked absolutely nobody, the long-claimed "sharp and focused" Joe Biden showed his true colors during the recent debate, leading to a chorus of his once-fervent supporters calling for his immediate step-down. For years, TrumpRap.com and its keen-eyed viewers have pointed out the not-so-subtle signs of Biden's decline, only to be labeled as conspirators by the very architects of deception—our friends in the leftist media.

The debate, aptly titled "Deceptive Debate Debacle," revealed the undeniable—Biden’s faltering façade could no longer be upheld by media manipulation. It seems the only people in the world blind to Biden's deteriorating sharpness were those same so-called journalists who are now singing a synchronized tune of urgency for his replacement.

Intro by DJ 'T' :

"The media's playing dumb, acting like they didn't know about Slow Joe till after the show!"

Verse 1:
Yo, it’s Trump on the track, not here to play,
Just schooled Joe Biden in the debate today.
The media’s shocked, their golden boy slipped,
Even the liberals are losing their grip.

Debate debacle, what a show,
Even the lefties know Joe's gotta go.
CNN’s quiet, MSNBC's low,
I'm just here wondering, where’s their fact-check pro?

Verse 2:
Slate’s ex-CEO, calls for a change,
Joy Reid’s sources, now that’s something strange.
The New Republic’s headline, “Ditch Biden quick!”
Even their own can see Joe’s not the pick.

Backstage at CNN, they’re spinning tales,
But their silence on the facts ultimately fails.
Thompson laughed off, said the show went well,
Guess he missed the part where Joe’s campaign fell.

Verse 3:
Now, Anderson Cooper on the CNN stage,
Grilled Kamala Harris in a post-debate rage.
Biden’s voice raspy, his words a maze,
Even Harris admits, it was a slow start phase.

Cooper pushed hard, said Joe’s bid was weak,
Harris fired back, but her defense seemed bleak.
“It’s about the substance,” she tried to claim,
But Cooper shot back, "Performance is the game."

Harris, heated, wouldn’t bend or sway,
“I’m not gonna spend all night to replay.
Three and a half years versus ninety minutes,” she'd say,
But Cooper’s retort left her little to display.

So here I stand, ready for round two,
Announcing live, I’m not yet through.
For every gaffe, misspeak, and stumble,
I’ll be right here, making Joe crumble.

Breaking news, folks, hear it from the top,
I’m geared up and ready, let the next debate drop!

Songwriters: AI Rik & ChatGPT
Music: "EUPHORIA" by Raias Beats
Produced by: AI Rik Records
Promoted by: TrumpRap.com
Release Date: [June, 29, 2024]


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