Are we approaching a technological black hole?

27 days ago

Are we getting to the point of approaching a technological black hole? The tech industry has achieved a lot over the past 50 plus years in the form of computing and in the form of entertainment. CD's for example became popular in the early 1990's and were used for many many years. People born at the beginning of this century are reliant on the internet to get their music.

What happens if the internet doesn't work? Would the offspring of the people born at the beginning of this century know how to use something like a CD player? How about a cassette player? VHS? Record? 8 track?

The tech industry in many aspects has reached that technological black hole in the form storage, computing power and so on but many vital systems from running train schedules to critical infrastructure is still reliant on old tech. The people who have maintained that old tech are going extinct and the newer generations do not bother to learn the old.

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