Love One Another

3 months ago

In this video I focus on the command Our Lord gave us to love one another. (Jn 13:34-35) He tells His disciples that this love for one another is how the world will know that they are His disciples. In the same way He tells us that its the way the world will know we are His disciples. This message of encouragement is a message the Church of Jesus Christ so badly needs in this age of selfishness, of each man for himself. Our Lord desires that we live lives demonstrating our love for our Christian brother or sister. We are the one's in whom He dwells. We are the ones who are the light, salt and vessels through which His Holy Spirit is working through to reach this generation of souls. Please take to heart this message, especially if you've been born of Heaven because on you lies the hope of this world being won to Christ. God bless you. Please, like, comment and share if this message impacts your heart.

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