Gim Huay Neo, WEF about monetizing nature

8 months ago

Gim Huay Neo, WEF: "We cannot let perfection be the enemy of good. Accounting standards took 150 years, I hope integrating natural capital into our accounting frameworks is not gonna take another 100 because we don't have a 100 years, in fact, I'm not even sure we have 10 years to wait. So we need to keep pushing while continuing to refine and enhance...So today carbon pricing, carbon taxes already cover about 25% of global emissions. We should actually look at scaling this to cover all 100% of carbon emissions and beyond carbon, let's think about other aspects of nature, that are easier to quantify. We probably will not be able to quantify everything on day one, but what about water, that's also quite possible for us to start integrating systematically into current trading carbon pricing mechanisms."

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