Animals You'll Be Happy Are Extinct (Australia Edition)

8 months ago

in prehistoric Australia terrifying

monsters competed to see who would eat a

human first would you survive an

encounter with them modern alligators

Cann out run humans only in water but

once on land they become almost helpless

but this giant turbo crocodile on

steroids had long legs like predatory

dinosaurs scientists believe that

ancient Australian Quin Han could easily

outrun a human at up to 7 m long and

weighing over 200 kg it's like a toothy

projectile that would knock you off your

feet before tearing you apart with its

blad likee teeth and not just

hypothetically this definitely happened

because Quin kanana went extinct only

10,000 years ago so humans shared

Australia with them for almost 40,000

years and someone definitely met their

end because of Turbo crocodiles you

could only hide in the bushes but

another monster was already waiting for

you there if this 6 M snake found you

sleeping you wouldn't wake up W nambi

went extinct everywhere else 55 million

years ago but not in Australia like a

modern Anaconda it would strangle its

prey with an iron grip gradually

breaking bones but here's the catch you

have to search for anacondas in the

jungle while wambi were common all over

Australia it's better to climb Rocky

Cliffs where you can easily Escape wami

but at the top a real dragon awaits you

distant relatives of these monsters

Komodo dragons typically attack prey

smaller than themselves and rarely go

after humans however to the Australian

Megalania you're just a small snack

being slightly larger than the Quin this

ancient dragon could weigh up to 1 and

1/2 tons so it was capable of just one

quick lunge but that's all it needs one

bite is enough for Megalania its

monstrous teeth are venomous preventing

blood from clotting so Megalania would

just wait for you to bleed out from

multiple wounds or if it's impatient it

might start eating you alive while

you're still weak how did other

Australian animals survive alongside

such nightmarish reptiles mostly by

being giant themselves getting into a

fight with a regular kangaroo might

leave you with just bruises but a punch

from this 2 m tall musclebound proed

dong Gia could easily break your rib

cage or pierce your ribs with its Long

Claws so if even kangaroos are deadly

what's next the flightless bird dror

could protect itself pretty well with

its nearly 3 m height and in danger it

wouldn't just strike intimidating poses

like modern ostriches the heavy beak of

damoris could instantly crush a human

skull or any animal's head there's no

point in running because damoris is

faster instead it's better to lie down

play dead and hope the bird isn't hungry

however this puts you in even greater

danger even a small elephant can easily

trample a human now imagine you're in

the path of a herd of giant wombats

diprotodon is like a Volkswagen Beetle

with bone crushing Jaws while these

creatures were herbivores if one decided

to take a bite out of you it's bite

force of 11,000 Newtons was enough to

snap your femur in half with such an

injury in prehistoric Australia you'd

face a long and agonizing demise if

you're really lucky the continent's most

terrifying warm blooded Predator might

come to your rescue the killer koala and

this is no joke when a big cat attacks a

person today it's usually the victim's

fault because these Predators promise a

blood bath just by their appearance the

ancient marsupial lion was smaller than

today's big cats and looked more like a

hyena but it was far more dangerous than

all of them combined a modern lion can

take up to 15 minutes to suffocate its

prey but the marsupio lion with its

specialized teeth inherited from koala

relatives and Powerful muscles could

finish the job in just 1 minute even

with much long larger prey its bite

force was the strongest among all known

mammals even de proton wouldn't hold

this predator for long you better run

but you can't escape by climbing because

the marsupial lion had huge Claws and

could climb anywhere usually it used

these claws to drag its prey to a

secluded spot and devoured away from

dangerous reptiles even in prehistoric

Australia teeming with Monsters the

marsupio lion was the alpha predator and

yet within a few tens of thousands of

years after humans arrived none of these

creatures remained on the green

continent so it looks like we finally

found the scariest creature of

prehistoric Australia

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