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![Why Traveling at the Speed of Light Could Destroy the Universe](
Why Traveling at the Speed of Light Could Destroy the Universe
imagine Earth a few centuries from now
space travel has become accessible and
we travel from planet to planed in
spaceships like regular old taxi cabs
but sadly right now we wouldn't have
enough vacations in our entire lifetime
to travel to the neighboring star system
because to reach the nearest star Alpha
centel which is
4.37 light years away from Earth we'd
have to fly on today's rockets for over
50,000 years and if we want to get to
one of the farthest known Stars beyond
the Milky Way called Icarus we'd need 9
billion light years this means that even
moving at the speed of light will never
cross the Milky Way in a human lifetime
that's why NASA is working on types of
engines that could potentially be faster
than light but however hard they try
scientists run into new challenges in
this video along with our engineer we'll
test different types of engines to try
and beat the speed of light however to
do so we'll have to find a way to bend
the laws of physics but just how
catastrophic is this kind of experiment
going to be for the
universe how close to the speed of light
can can we get in 2017 Norwegian
Professor Espen gardar hog came up with
a new mathematical theory he claimed
that it's actually possible to create a
spacecraft that with the help of photons
can accelerate to
99.999% of the speed of light a photon
has no Mass its electric charge is zero
and it can only exist while traveling at
the speed of light sounds perfect
doesn't it but if we want to set a
spacecraft in motion with photons we
need a new type of engine one that can
convert light into energy how claims
that the best way to make this project a
reality is a solar sail so let's try
building a sail that moves using light
to make 1 kg of matter reach the speed
of light we need a sail with an area of
about 100,000 square m that give us an
acceleration of roughly 1 m/ second this
means if our engineer weighs 70 kg
they'd have to design a square sail with
sides longer than 2 1/2 km that's like
25 football fields laid end to end and
that's not even counting the weight of
the spacecraft itself but here's the
good news at least we don't have to
worry about designing a fuel tank since
we've got a free and endless source of
energy the sun it's been burning for
around 5 billion years already and will
keep on burning for just as long the
beginning of our solar sail Journey
might be pretty sluggish but the
acceleration will be constant and thanks
to the sun we can keep it going for
years even decades in about a 100 days
of operation the solar sail can reach a
speed of around 14,000
kmph after 3 years its speed will hit
240,000 km per hour and then it would
only Take 5 years to arrive at Pluto one
of the most distant objects in the solar
system this idea of constant
acceleration has prompted several
research groups in recent years to test
increasingly Advanced prototypes of
photon engines in 2015 the Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency sent the
light sale one into orbit scientists
manages set up a solar sail with an area
of 32 square m on this small satellite
within a month the spacecraft weighing
3155 kg had its speed increased by
approximately 10 m/ second moreover they
were able to change its trajectory this
marked the first successful experiment
with a solar sail though it also shed
light on its limitations as the
maneuverability of the design was quite
quite low to optimize the interaction of
the photon Engine with light particles
NASA is currently developing what they
call a diffractive solar sail the
diffractive solar sailing project uses
small Optical gradings embedded in the
thin sails to make better use of the
sunlight in the future the photon engine
will allow us to travel not just within
the solar system but also to the nearest
star systems however there is a problem
when it comes to Interstellar Journeys
the sunlight from the Sun just won't cut
it the farther the sail is from it the
fewer photons it can capture in the
hopes of solving this problem an
international project called
breakthrough starshot plans to build a
thousand small solar sails each weighing
no more than 1 G these mini sales will
require less light to accelerate
meanwhile back out Earth researchers
plan to construct an array of laser
installations with a power of 100 gaw
their beams will be directed at the mini
sails helping them speed up in space the
destination of this journey will be
Proxima cowy the closest star to our sun
unfortunately though it'll take 30 years
to accelerate these tiny Photon sails to
just 20% of the speed of light never
less this will let us leave the solar
system by 2030 and pass by proximas and
toy around
2060 but let's imagine for a moment that
our engineer managed to push the
Starship with the photon sail to let's
say 90% of the speed of light what do
you think awaits them well of course new
challenges firstly for someone moving at
such a great speed time will tick quite
differently let's say our engineer
embarks on a quick trip to Marsen back
it'll take them roughly 16 minutes 40
seconds to reach the red planet and
return to earth now here's where it gets
interesting for people back on earth
watching our Journey to Mars It Will
indeed be 16 minutes 40 seconds but for
our engineer in the Starship the round
trip will only last 8 minutes 20 seconds
this happens because because at such
high speeds there's a time dilation
effect the closer you get to the speed
of light the more noticeable it becomes
besides for our engineer the space ahead
of the ship will appear flattened into a
blurry tunnel after a while they'll see
nothing but Darkness up ahead the thing
is light waves simply won't catch up to
them because they'll be moving at the
same speed in other words there will be
nothing but endless darkness before our
engineer So in theory scientists already
know how to accelerate to the speed of
light but for now the photon engine
doesn't allow us to do that you see to
achieve the necessary acceleration we'd
need a massive amount of materials to
build the sail itself and an incredible
amount of energy to power the lasers
required to speed it up to solve this
problem we'll have to create a more
powerful engine that works on a
different principle scientists have
already come up with a theoretical plan
for such a device so what's stopping us
from turning it into reality theoretical
physicists suggest using an antimatter
propulsion system for space travel it's
a concept for a rocket engine that
utilizes antimatter in combination with
regular matter to generate energy for
space flight when these two types of
matter react with each other they can
create an enormous amount of energy it's
300 times more powerful than that of
nuclear fusion a thousand times greater
than that of nuclear Decay and 10
billion times greater than that of
ordinary chemical reactions but here's
the rub where do we get so much
antimatter after all it's an extremely
rare and complex substance to produce
creating and storing it requires a
colossal amount of energy that's why
Engineers have been pondering the
development of a Hybrid engine to reduce
the needed amount of antimatter one
concept of this kind was developed back
in 1992 at the University of Pennsyvania
and they called it the antimatter
catalyzed micro Fusion Drive its
operation revolved around a fuel capsule
containing dyum tridium and uranium 238
this capsule was fired into a reactor
chamber where it was first bombarded
with ions and then hit with an
antiproton beam when interacting with
the antiprotons part of the matter in
the capsule is annihilated this produces
enough energy to trigger the decay of
uranium 238 which in turn initiates the
fusion reaction with Dum and tridium
this energy powers big electromagnets
that heat on the plasma then magnetic
fields direct the plasma flow and shoot
it out of the nozzle creating thrust in
setting the spacecraft in motion the
advantage of this system is that it
needs relatively little antimatter for
space travel for example to reach Pluto
you'd only need 100 G of anim matter
that may sound like a very small amount
but not when it comes to antimatter the
point is scientists produce it using
particle accelerators capable of
generating tens of millions of
antiprotons per minute that sounds
convincing Until you realize that at
that rate it would take tens of billions
of years to produce just 1 gam of
antimatter have you heard of antimatter
referred to as the most expensive
substance on Earth it's true one gram of
it can cost hundreds or even thousands
of trillions of dollars and it's not
just about creating anti particles you
also need to figure out a way to store
them since any matter annihilates upon
contact with matter we clearly can't
just put it in a container and call it a
day that's when we need special
electromagnetic traps like for instance
pinning traps these devices using
magnetic fields in a high vacuum and at
low temperature can hold on to
antimatter currently portable traps are
being developed and they may later let
scientists move the substance to other
labs one such mechanism is being
developed at the European Organization
for nuclear research but at the moment
it's almost 2 m long and weighs a ton
assuming our engineer has enough
antimatter how safe would it be to
travel on a Starship equipped with an
engine like that let's say our engine
engineer accelerated the ship beyond the
speed of light and is traveling in space
without consequences for their body but
don't celebrate just yet because when
trying to stop the ship our engineer
could be killed by radiation imagine a
photon peacefully cruising through the
universe when suddenly our antimatter
powered spacecraft catches up with it
the photon will get stuck right at the
front edge of the ship and when the
rocket stops at its Destin ation all
those stuck particles on the front edge
will simultaneously release an enormous
amount of energy there will be enough to
wipe out not only the ship and its crew
but entire planets theoretically the
disaster can be avoided if we slow down
a bit before reaching the destination
and gradually reduce speed but even with
this approach there will be intense
Photon radiation around the ship Italian
physicists def Foo Fini from the Italian
international school of advanced studies
and his colleagues explored this problem
back in 2009 they found that the thermal
flux from the photons directed towards
the ship and its crew would be
equivalent to a temperature not seen
since the Big Bang 10 to the power of 32
Kelvin or something like 142 million
million million million million million
degrees CS so one Journey at the speed
of light could endanger entire planets
on top of that physicists say that a
flight on a ship that moves faster than
light could destroy the entire universe
how can an antimatter engine destroy the
entire universe in 1994 Mexican
physicist Miguel alier developed a warp
drive model it was a theoretical
mechanism for traveling at speeds
exceeding the speed of light the main
idea of the warp drive is to bend
SpaceTime around the ship in such a way
that it's not the Starship itself that
moves through space but rather the space
moves around it this means the spaceship
won't violate the laws of physics that
prevent objects with Mass from
accelerating to the speed of light in
essence the ship will stay put space on
the other hand is not bound by this law
so it can move at any speed but here's
the catch initial calculations showed
that creating a warp bubble would
require all the energy that exists in
the entire universe besides scientists
are concerned that such a bubble could
become unstable especially when entering
and exiting warp mode potentially
collapsing along with the ship but let's
assume our engineer managed to build an
aluer drive and set off into space
faster than the speed of light and let's
assume they even avoided damaging the
bubble and successfully regulated his
speed to prevent a catastrophic stop
however there's a problem that's nearly
impossible to overcome paradoxes aluer
himself acknowledges that his Drive is
essentially a time machine after all any
method that enables faster than light
travel also allows time travel the point
is the warp drive can create close
timelike curves this means the ship can
return to the same point but at a
different time when our Starship goes on
a journey SpaceTime around it compresses
by speeding faster than light we might
end up in A Spacetime tunnel that throws
us thousands of years into the past this
can have truly catastrophic consequences
we're talking about the so-called
butterfly effect the movie called The
Sound of Thunder Vivid shows the dangers
of time traveling and how The Accidental
killing of a single mesic air butterfly
can alter the course of evolution in any
case to create a super luminal engine
without destroying the universe we'd
have to break the fundamental laws of
physics but is that even possible in
1999 British engineer Roger Shyer
claimed he knew how to outsmart physics
he developed the M drive a rocket model
that according to him could produce
thrust without expelling exhaust the EM
Drive is a hollow structure with
powerful electromagnets inside according
to scientists electromagnetic radiation
bounces around inside the rocket it
travels from the magnets throughout the
cavity of the device and when the
radiation accumulates at the narrowest
part of the structure it creates thrust
in the engine in 2016 a team from NASA's
Eagle Works Laboratories tried to verify
if the EM Drive idea worked the
scientists claimed they managed to
measure thrust it was a true revolution
in the world of physics however a team
from dresd didn't Technical University
led by Professor Martin tajar remained
skeptical of the experiment's results
and decided try and replicate it and
they couldn't measure any thrust the
thing is it was absent during the
original Eagle Works experiment as well
the phenomenon detected by NASA's
scientists was a thermal effect the
sensor was simply reacting to the
engine's Heating and if our engineer
built a ship with such an engine it
wouldn't be able to move in space at all
let alone at some high speed so in the
case of the EM Drive scientists couldn't
outsmart the laws of physics but that's
un unlikely to stop them any space
journey beyond the boundaries of the
solar system inevitably involves
breaking the speed of light but at the
same time according to Einstein's theory
of relativity that's impossible the main
limitation of our abilities is that as
an object's speed increases its mass
also increases and is bound to approach
Infinity when it reaches the speed of
light basically speaking Einstein
concluded that the speed of light is the
maximum achievable speed in the universe
but modern scientists have come up with
ways to potentially byass the laws of
physics and outpace light without
actually exceeding it they suggest
creating a space-time tunnel let's
imagine SpaceTime as a grid this fabric
of SpaceTime gets warped by the
gravitational pole of objects the
deformed SpaceTime creates something
like tunnels allowing you to take a
shortcut between two points known as
wormholes physicists propose using these
wormholes for Interstellar travel
despite the pessimism of some scientists
who say that such wormholes could only
format the birth of the universe others
suggest looking for them near super
massive black holes however this option
is highly risky anything that enters a
wormhole gets accelerated almost to the
speed of light making it any particles
inside extremely dangerous for humans it
turns out that even if we manage to
build a warp drive Starship right now we
might end up destroying the universe our
attempts to bypass the laws of physics
to avoid the end of the world might
result in destroying ourselves so the
question arises is it even worth trying
to outpace light when we press harder on
the gas pedal in a car we go faster a
car has a maximum speed but we can
accelerate even more for instance
fighter jets can move faster than the
speed of sound however acceleration has
its limits no matter how hard we try we
can't go faster than 300,000 km/ second
to break through the speed barrier we'd
need an endless supply of energy which
unfortunately we don't have yet but it's
not all Doom and Gloom scientists have
uncovered the unknown before like radio
waves and radioactivity so it's entirely
possible that a new discovery will
change everything in your opinion how
many years will it take for scientists
to invent a faster than light engine or
will Intergalactic travel forever remain
just a source of inspiration for sci-fi
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