Is Dr. Phil Red-Pilled on the COVID Shots?

7 months ago

While he doesn’t say it explicitly, he’s in-tune with Kennedy’s best talking points before he even mentions them.

DR. PHIL: “Did you say the COVID vaccine was the deadliest vaccine ever approved?”

ROBERT KENNEDY JR: “Well, it was the deadliest in terms of how many deaths were reported to the VAERS database. Now, you don’t know causation. If I took the vaccine, and the next day, I had a heart attack or a stroke or myocarditis, you can’t say for sure that that injury was attributable to that.”

DR. PHIL: “It was correlational, not causative. But it still occurs together.”

ROBERT KENNEDY JR: “When you see this huge uptick within, I think, the first year of the release of the COVID vaccine, there were more reports to VAERS of deaths and injuries than all vaccines put together for the previous almost 36 years. So in that sense, yeah, it was the deadliest vaccine ever.”

Full Interview:

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