(found on Dr Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/)

8 months ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/)

So if we got rid of patents, we'd be fine as a country again. Tony Fauci and company and the government had to get that patent and create a functional forgery. This is what David Martin says. So they had to make that Not Exist.
They had to delete me and all of our work from all of history. And I mean, it's hard to take sometimes when you had the cures all along. I can easily tell you what variant is coming next. I actually own the patent filed April 6 2010. And that patent is for PCR detection, detection of the variance of XMRV.
So you might have called that COVID. Because that's what SARSCoV2 is. So I actually own the patent, along with Dr. Ruscetti and the National Cancer Institute. Well, I did in 2010. I also filed for a patent for a therapeutic strategy, using botanicals and FDA-approved products to treat and prevent COVID, or these viruses Associated Diseases. And that was awarded in 2011, and 2012. And I still hold that patent, because patents last for 17 years. And as Dr. David Martin said, in Plandemic Indoctrination, I think he said 70, 80%, it's probably 90% of all the current patents, let's just say since 2011, are functional forgeries.
The Baye-Dole Act, there's no such thing as intellectual property! It's this patenting that has led to the corruption that allows you to prevent anybody from stealing and innovating on your innovations. So if we got rid of patents, we'd be fine as a country again!

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 11/15/2023
Watch the full ThriveTime Show with Clay Clark at: https://rumble.com/v3vzoqv-dr.-judy-mikovits-.html?start=555

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