比爾蓋茨的廚師稱這位億萬富翁「拒絕給家人吃假肉」 Bill Gates' Chef Says Billionaire 'Refused To Feed His Family Fake Meat'

8 months ago



Bill Gates' Chef Says Billionaire 'Refused To Feed His Family Fake Meat'



在華盛頓州麥地那的宮殿「Xanadu 2」中,蓋茨家族的餐桌附近也沒有蟋蟀、昆蟲、黃粉蟲。



Bill Gates’ long-term personal chef has blown the whistle on what his former employer put on the table for his own family and guess what – there was not a plant-based fake meat burger or synthetic lab-grown steak in sight.

Nor was there a cricket, insect, mealworm anywhere near the Gates family dinner table at his Medina, Washington palace dubbed Xanadu 2.

While Gates was pushing his toxic lab-grown and plant-based ultra-processed products on consumers, his own family was strictly banned from chowing down on these Frankenfoods and his own dinner table was laden with organic and grass-fed lean beef, salmon, and other natural products which Gates has vowed to price out of reach for ordinary consumers in favor of insects, bugs and lab-grown beef.

The shameless hypocrisy is enough to make you choke on your WEF-approved crickets but it gets even worse when you learn what the latest studies say about Gates’ products and exactly how evil are.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v52adis-bill-gates-chef-says-billionaire-refused-to-feed-his-family-fake-meat.html


20221030 比爾蓋茨 20 歲的女兒【 菲比阿黛爾蓋茨 】疫苗接種狀況:未接種 從小到大甚至任何疫苗都未接種——— Bill Gates 拒絕給子女打疫苗。


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