12-year-old girl who was seriously injured in the Pfizer trial and the FDA looked the other way

6 months ago

Aaron Siri shares the heartbreaking story of a 12-year-old girl who was seriously injured in the Pfizer trial and how the FDA looked the other way: "After her 2nd dose she suffered a serious injury, was in the emergency room...she ended up in a wheelchair with a feeding tube...when Pfizer reported her injury, they reported as functional abdominal pain...We then told the FDA in 4 separate letters: Hey, Pfizer did not fully inform you about Maddie de Garay's injury. She's in a wheelchair, she's a feeding tube. The only thing the told you she has functional abdominal, she has a tummy ache. After 4 letters over 120 days later they finally responded. And what did the FDA say? They told her to file a VAERS report...We then sued the FDA for all their communications regarding Maddie de Garay...The FDA did finally ask Pfizer about Maddie de Garay. It was only after somebody who's very wealthy emailed Janet Woodcock about Maddie de Garay. She then asked doctor Peter Marks and then Peter Marks asks that request to be sent to Pfizer...he (Peter Marks) seemed unconcerned and my understanding is he said: Well they reported she had a serious stomach ache, so they reported the issue of serious injury. It was basically a whitewash. He sat as I would expect as a partner with Pfizer defending them from a misconduct. He should have been outraged, he should have said: Why didn't you report this irrespective of whether you thought it was related, you had an obligation to tell us of all injuries. We decide what to do with the data, but you got to report it. They didn't report it. I'm not aware of any penalty any issue with Pfizer about it and when you read the internal email chain Pfizer's paid principal investigator says he doesn't "feel" that the vaccine caused the injury...here basically if you look at the email chain it looks like Marks just goes: Oh, Pfizer's paid principal investigator says he doesn't feel it's related and that goes kind of in the chain of emails and looks like that's how it dies. No reprimand to Pfizer, takes no issue with them as far as I can tell."

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