There is a lot of "7's" Occultism - Why So Many?

6 months ago

There is a lot of "7's" Occultism - Why So Many? Why 7 swords? and not 6 as they usually have. 7 swords was put there for a reason it represents the Moon in Aquarius. The moon in aquarius represents ISIS, how you ask. Answer is, Israel, its made up of the names of the three deities, Isis, Ra and El. Meaning Moon, Sun and Saturn. There is also another element to this sword in freemasonry and occult circles, when shown inserted into a naked heart. Let me explain, as its another secret message for those with the eyes to see. The message is, Justice will sooner or later over take us and although our thoughts words and actions may have been hidden from the eyes of man. Symbolism was the biggest flaw but yet it was necessary. Yet that all seeing eye, whom the sun moon and stars obey and under whos watchful care,even comets perform. Their stupendous revolutions pervades the inmost resseses of the human heart and we will be rewarded or punished according to their merit.MADONNA - Vanity fair .... MADONNA THE FREEMASON OCULTIST

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