Aila: Miles Guo’s Defense Will Call 11-12 Witnesses

8 months ago

06/27/2024 Aila on Wayne Dupree Podcast @waynedupreeshow: Miles Guo’s defense team has made clear that they will approximately call on around 11 to 12 witnesses, and many of these witnesses have very short testimony, that is to ensure that the trial is completed by the agreed-upon deadline of July 12th. If the prosecution team leaves Mr. Guo’s team only for one day or even half a day, I think the public will be aware of what the nature and intentions of the prosecution team are.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #MilesGuotrial

06/27/2024 小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:郭先生的辩护团队已明确表示,他们将传唤大约11到12位证人,其中许多证人的作证都非常短,这是为了确保在大家都同意的7月12日这个截止日期前完成庭审。如果检方留给郭先生团队只有一天甚至半天时间,我认为公众将意识到检方团队的性质和意图是什么。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #郭文贵庭审

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