Interview with Leslie Manookian - Health Freedom Defense Fund

8 months ago

Leslie Manookian, the Founder & President of Health Freedom Defense Fund. She is a former successful Wall Street business executive & award-winning documentary filmmaker. The Health Freedom Defense Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit which seeks to protect and advance health freedom. The discussion focuses on their organization's victory in winning an appeal in the Ninth Circuit against the LA Unified School District's employee COVID vaccination mandate.

Topics covered:

- Background for this case and how Health Freedom Defense Fund became involved
- Ninth Circuit ruling on mootness
- Ninth Circuit ruling on the merits
- The Supreme Court’s 1905 decision Jacobson v. Massachusetts
- What this ruling means for other current or future lawsuits
- Next steps for the case and will it go to the Supreme Court
- Impact of the Supreme Court ruling on the Chevron case
- Overview of the Health Freedom Defense Fund

TSN recent story on the ruling

Health Freedom Defense Fund website

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