John 10: Eternal security of the believer - Biblical salvation settled once and for all (episode 9)

8 months ago

In this episode we look at the relationship Jesus has with his followers as the shepherd and his sheep. This passage compliments John 6 in solidifying eternal security of the believer (OSAS), but conditional security advocates do have their own explanations to justify losing our salvation, so we examine their interpretation with this chapter and see why it doesn't work.

This video is part of a study series, "Biblical Salvation settled once and for all". Please see the playlist for all available videos:

00:00:00 - Introduction to John 10
00:01:53 - Verses 1-10
00:08:21 - When Jesus is talking about eternal life and when he isn't
00:13:37 - Is salvation easy or hard? (Reference Matthew 7:13-14, the narrow vs wide road)
00:27:13 - Who are the "thieves and robbers"?
00:29:46 - All that ever came before Christ
00:39:34 - "Might" have life? (Mights/maybes vs shoulds/shalls)
00:43:30 - Verses 11-18
00:47:47 - 19-32
00:50:24 - Would his sheep obey all his commandments?
01:02:09 - What does it mean to "follow him"? (eternal vs conditional security, exploring how shepherding sheep works).
01:11:49 - Parable of the lost sheep (Matthew 18, Luke 15)
01:14:50 - The responsibilities of the shepherd and the problem with conditional security
01:28:06 - What about those who leave the faith?
01:40:54 - The sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31-35)
01:48:09 - Verses 31-42

Link to view the slides:

Useful links about shepherding:

Believer featured in this video: David Houghton

You can download this video from the YouTube URL using free software, DVD Video Soft.

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