Blindspot 116 - Technofeudalism; Europe Fading; Geoeconomic war; Corrupt Utopian SA= cabinet-less

8 months ago

Blindspot 116 - Technofeudalism; Europe is Fading; Geoeconomic war; Corrupt Utopianism & SA still cabinet-less

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

Blindspot sometimes need to pause at a certain moment, pace up and down only a few dark tunnels, to shed some light on things, happenings, or thoughts that would otherwise fly by and flap away in the digital winds overloading our ears and eyes and brains with too much information.

Today we pause at only three thoughts. The first, an update from and some more thoughts Buiteboer shared on the SA GNU, and the proudly South African democratic disorder of corrupt utopianism. The second. How Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek minister of Finance, calls Europe out as not only fading, but as a spent flailing superstructure. He has also been contributing significantly to our understanding of transformations in capitalism, and the global economy in the digital era. He has identified the major challenge of the 21st century as the phenomenon of Technofeudalism and cloud capitalism that makes us all serfs of the digital dictators. And then thirdly, Pepe Escobar and Alexander Dugin on the rapid rise of Eurasia, and especially the changing global landscape of dedollarisation and alternative financial systems to those dominated and weaponised by the west.

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