We need to honor Jim Meehan & stop poisoning people with old drugs!

7 months ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/)

Clay Clark: What do you want to share? You know what's going on? You're seeing finally the average American is calling out Fauci, what do you want to share?
Dr Judy Mikovits: I think the theater in Congress has to end. At every level of Health and Human Services, your EPA, your CDC, your NIH. NIH, there are 22 institutes or more, as you know, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, they knew the blood supply was contaminated. This is what we showed you in Plague of Corruption, all the way back with all of these gain-of-function viruses. But, our bodies can handle it. And we've developed the therapies, the natural immune therapies that can heal all of this. And we need to honor Jim Meehan and everything he did, and stop poisoning people with old drugs. This is literally what's being done now, in chemotherapies and what's being done has to end! We need to do a full cleaning of the house of the heads of every one of these agencies and stop the murder of millions! 10 million Americans were murdered, and it was called COVID. And nothing was SARSCoV2 that was injected in every polio vaccine since 2004.

06/26/2024 - Thrivetime Show with Clay Clark: https://rumble.com/v53x6ue-dr.-mikovits-its-been-proven-when-you-make-it-difficult-for.html

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