Dr. Chris Shoemaker: Concerning Subclinical [undetected] Cardiac Injury from Covid Shots

8 months ago

Dr. Chris Shoemaker about a study that finds signs of heart injury in vaccinated people without chest pain.
People who received a COVID-19 vaccine had higher levels of a glucose analogue than unvaccinated people, suggesting heart inflammation.
"Unvaccinated had normal soft gray hearts. No sign of extra effort. Vaccinated people of which the 2 on the right are examples of are blacked out of reddened-out hearts where the effort index and glucose uptake goes from 3 up to 5 to 6. That is a doubling or a 100% elevation. The overall average to be fair was 46 to 50%, but even 50% extra work for 6 straight months..."

Listen as Dr. Chris Shoemaker
expresses the love and care that only a family doctor of 47 years can for the children of Canada. The fifth speaker at #AnInjectionOfTruth explains the international research and his experience in treating the ill with ivermectin.

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