Vintage Nostalgia Compilation of super fantastic commercials 1989- Part 3

8 months ago

Commercials from 1989 that aired in
Minneapolis, MN on KITN FOX29.

Containing commercials from:
1. Fast Teeth
2. Puritan cooking oil
3. Post Bran flakes ft. Lena Horn
4. Maalox
5. Anything but love tv show
6. Progresso soup
7. Sargento cheese
8. Bally's US swim and fitness Ft. Cher
9.Nissan Sentra (1990)
10. Pretty Women
11. Good Grief
12. Tetra fish food
13. TV guide
14. Red Lobster
15. Swatch
16. Mitsubishi
17. Sprint phone
18. Simpsons
19. Gameboy
20. Nexxus
21. KFC
22. Against the law tv show
23. Good Grief
24. Cosby show
25. Senator Paul Wellstone political ad
26. Burger King
27. Nissan
28. Nestle Crunch bar
29. Playtex
30. A night in the life of Jimmy Reardon
31. MN Timberwolves
32. FOX kids club
33. McDonald's McRib
34. Big red gum
35. Meta flu
36. Against the law tv show
37. Miller high life

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