Tree of Life

8 months ago

Isn’t the tree of life like the cross Christ? We could’ve chosen Jesus from the beginning, and that’s always the best option. We should have faith that what God told is was true and that we should not eat (or have eaten) from the tree saran recommended. Men tell us that it was somehow good that adam and eve sinned, because they listen to the devil in their heart and have no faith in God’s Word and Jesus’s love. What satan recommends, and which Jesus warns against, certainly cannot be a good thing fir us, nor something we should have done. Today there are many groups which claim it was a good thing that mankind sinned “felix culpa” bit I testify that God through Jesus and Spirit would have shown His love for us no matter what - even if we had not sinned at that tree! Jesus still would have saved us. It would have been as good or better than now. God and His Son would never not love and save us. So we didn’t need to sin to MAKE or FORCE God to love us or to “make God be/do good.” The book of Romans warns us against “doing evil so that good may result,” and against those who teach, believe, approach, or flirt with that dark ideology and mal-theology. What the Bible says is bad, is surely bad! God needs no one and no thing. God does not need us to sin to make him do good or provoke tempt or get him to treat us with love as a result. God does not need sin, satan, or humanity, or anything we could ever do. God is always loving to everyone and would always have loved us, saved us , and done us good! He is the Lord! God is love!

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