Master Class In Cigar Making: Behind The Family of Cigars

6 months ago

Let's go to Nicaragua and Honduras to see exactly how cigars are made. In this series, we will be traveling to the Esteli, Nicaragua and Danli, Honduras to visit the cigar factories of the Plasencia family. They make 40+ million cigars per year! Their process of hand making premium cigars creates some of the most coveted cigars on the planet. And we are going to go on a deep diving tour of the entire process!

In this video, I'll introduce you to Nestor Plasencia. He's a 5th generation cigar maker in the Plasencia family, and a brilliant agricultural professional. He also happens to be one of my personal heroes. His family personifies the humility and integrity that is essential to crafting the best cigars the world has to offer.

*This series originally aired in 2019 when it was filmed. However, I am updating and rereleasing it to give you a fresh look at the process of making cigars to help create an awareness and appreciation of the process as it is done by the Plasencia family.*

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