5th Generation Warfare | What you Need to Know with Boone Cutler

8 months ago

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Boone is a former combat veteran who served in Iraq than later emerged as an influential advocate for the warfighter community. He served as a Psychological Operations team sergeant which served as a cornerstone to his first book, “CallSign VooDoo” covering the firsthand perspective of war and recovery.

His literary works produced several more warfighter books which eventually led to his collaboration with General Michael Flynn, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general, who served as the United States National Security Advisor during the Trump administration. Together they co-wrote the Citizen’s Guide to 5th Generation Warfare three-part book series breaking down the complexities of warfare in an easily digestible format. In just a few moments, you will get to hear from Boone himself while reviewing session 1 of the Citizens Guide series.

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