The amazing Sal Gentile is my very special guest with his story about battling tinnitus and support!

8 months ago

Retired IBM executive/former Army National guard veteran Sal Gentile talks about how his silence was stolen 15 years ago waking up one morning after his birthday dinner to four horrible noises and how he is now helping veterans and non-veterans to combat the condition called tinnitus! Sal talks about how he began his long, frustrating journey etched in pain to seek treatment options only to be told by numerous hearing care providers to “suck it up” and how to help those in need and support! Sal was also a rock band manager, serves as a support group leader for the American Tinnitus Association and a motivational speaker sharing his story throughout the world and how you can help the ones you love! Find out more about the amazing Sal Gentile and his journey on all streaming platforms, or visit or message Sal at today! #salgentile #retiredibmexecutive #armynationalguard #veterans #tinnitus #treatment #hearingcareproviders #americantinnitusassociation #motivationalspeaker #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnersalgentile #themikewagnershowsalgentile

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