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8 months ago

"Know ye, O Prince, that in the centuries after the Great Cataclysm, more than five thousand years before the rise of The Hyborian Age, thrived a kingdom forged by sorcery and suckled on evil known as Acheron.

For twenty five centuries, purple towered Python, crown city of the Acheronian Empire, held court in a reign of terror. Three thousand years after its fall the races of the Hyborian world would only dare to speak of ancient Acheron in hushed tones of whispered fear.

The legends of necromancy, and legends of treasure long buried and all but forgotten. But of all that were told, none had the power to terrify and entice as that of... The Witch Queen of Acheron." — The Nemedian Chronicles

I was feeling very inspired after watching Acheron lore videos from both @GrimDarkHalfOff & @ymirish . Images are from The Ymirish Chronicler's fantastic AI video featuring The Demon Kingdom Of Acheron: https://youtu.be/csTqwxKooyE

#Hyboria #conanthebarbarian #acheron #demons


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