North Korean Troops Would Become “Cannon Fodder” if Sent to Ukraine

8 months ago

06/26/2024 Arirang News: The Pentagon spokesperson Pat Ryder said on Tuesday that North Korean troops might be used as “cannon fodder” if they were to be sent to fight alongside Russian forces in Ukraine. Ryder also said that Washington's policy of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula hasn't changed.
#cannonfodder #NorthKoreantroops #warinUkraine #denuclearization
06/26/2024 阿里郎新闻:五角大楼发言人帕特·莱德本周二(6月25日)表示,如果朝鲜军队被派往乌克兰与俄军并肩作战,他们很可能会被用作“炮灰”。莱德还表示,华盛顿关于朝鲜半岛无核化的政策没有改变。
#炮灰 #朝鲜军队 #俄乌战争 #无核化

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