Cute Puppy and Adorable Baby Have Amazing Conversation Speaking The Same Language

6 years ago

What do you remember about your childhood home? Was there a certain smell you associate with it? Or a blanket that was always piled up looking oh so cozy on the couch? Or was it the tall birch tree on the front lawn who’s shedding would always indicate to you when autumn was drawing near? Was it the neighbors and the neighborhood who helped define you during those awkward adolescent days when you never liked how you looked and you had no idea on how to ever change it? Or is it a certain toy that harkens back to a day gone by, a history that you are unable to replace despite your best efforts, a time and place that has slipped through your fingers like the sands of time. Or maybe it’s a T.V. show. Like AFV! We’ve been on the air for 28 years. I know I think of us when I reflect on my childhood days. Laughing with my parents. Some of my favorite videos were that of people falling off tables or getting scared by jumping out at them. But my favorite videos…those were of people who sounded like animals and animals that sound like people! And luckily for me, that is exactly what this hilarious video is!

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