CNN Host Lashes Out At GOP Rep: What Does This Have To Do With Biden? Let's Talk About Donald Trump!

15 days ago

Posted • June 27, 2024: CNN is at it again, this time with host Boris Sanchez having Trump campaign Pennslyvania co-chair, Rep. Dan Meuser (R-PA), on the show to discuss the 2024 election and snapped at the congressman for mentioning President Joe Biden when discussing what took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Nearly every major media outlet will not let the January 6 story go until after the election (if we are lucky). As Rep. Meuser was talking about Trump's record in office, Sanchez mentioned that one question he is certain will come up during the debate will be what took place on January 6. (…)

• More at: RedState - CNN Host Snipes at GOP Rep: ‘What Does This Have to Do With Joe Biden? Let’s Talk About Donald Trump!’

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