Tot Girl Doesn't Take NO Very Well

6 years ago

Toddlers are such amazing little beings who really know how to make us laugh even when we try to be serious in front of them. Their reactions are so incredible and funny that sometimes even a real deal poker-face person cannot withstand for too long! Just check out this video, and you’ll see what I mean. It shows an adorable baby girl who doesn’t like to hear “No!” command and makes the funniest face ever! She is sitting in her high chair with her dad who tells her “No, don’t!” in his strict voice and her smiling face turns into this hilariously frowned face I have ever seen! OMG! Just look at her! She is so cute and funny that even her dad can’t hold up long before he burst into laughter! LOL! But she can! Even when a tiny smile appears on the corner of her mouth, she is still playing her role! LOL!

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